
Wilderness Backpacking

For Nature lovers, adventurers and explorers. The 1,465 m high Monte Caburaí mountain is located in the state of Roraima at Brazil's northernmost frontier, bordering with Guyana and Venezuela.

Hiking far off the beaten track through magnificent landscape, offering high sierras, table mountains, caves, rapids, waterfalls and traditional local population in what was once one of the world biggest diamond mining regions

The expedition to Mount Roraima, including La-Ventana-Wall and 3 nights on the summit, covers one of the most impressive landscapes of South America: the Gran Sabana, in Southern Venezuela.

The adventure of a lifetime: you stay with the Tukano people in the deep Amazonian wilderness, sleep under the stars and hike the untamed rainforest.

On a trip of a life time that is both adventurous and challenging; the Yanomami people take you to the Pico da Neblina in the deep and untamed Amazon.